my point of view
Friday, July 31, 2009
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Brassiero Unsnaparmus

I need to get to bed and rest.

But Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix keeps beckoning me to go back to reading it.

The last book that managed to interest me that much was the LOTR series. Now, I'm so absorbed in this series that I said accio controller when I needed to switch on the air-conditioner.

I need help.

scribbled @7:39 AM;


Thursday, July 30, 2009
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting 13

I'm fit! My body fat percentage is a surprising 13.0%! I was really expecting to see twenty plus percent.

But then again, 13% means I have about 5KG worth of fat on me, and I KNOW where at least 4 KG of it came from.


For the past year I've successfully slimmed down every part of my body, but every time I do the sit-ups it bulges at me, and when I do push-ups it droops at the ground. If those were boobs and I was female it'll be a good thing. But those are not and I'm male.

Hopefully when my Men's Health subscription comes in and I stare at the cover of men with six-pacs long enough, the tummy will 潜移默化 and turn into six-pacs.

As for how I suddenly got to know the body fat percentage, it's because while on my daily run at the stadium today, there happened to be a NIE student doing a project. She was using a machine to take random people's particulars and body fat percentage.

I should say in my defence that I wasn't interested in it in the first place, and only did it because the uncle doing it had very enthusiastically pushed me into in. Really! It wasn't because it's free and I was being S'porean.

And so I did it, and according to the girl this is a healthy number. She even asked me if I was a player(as in, sports player) and I cheekily answered, "Er, no, not exactly a Casanova".

Then she looked up puzzled, indicating that she hadn't caught my joke and went on with whatever she was doing.


I need to work on my sense of humour.

scribbled @5:34 PM;


Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Money no enough

I'm getting a headache again. This time, it's about getting a laptop.

It appears as if a laptop is essential. Because there is no one I've asked to tell me that 'YOU DON'T NEED ONE', in fact, they would say, 'GET A MACBOOK'. They might as well murder me.

Sure. All I have to do is put out my hand and ask for $3000. But asking for monthly pocket money is already making me feel damn guilty, much less to say ask for that amount.

Why can't money drop out from the sky?

scribbled @9:42 PM;


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Magnanimous

SO I missed Ubin cycling. Quite sad, because I woke up with a headache carried from the previous night and was seriously considering whether to go in spite of it, but fell back to sleep instead.

And so I spent the rest of the day listening to 方炯宾's 坏人, looking through NTU's website and all the prospective modules I'll have to bear with. Oh the headache comes back again.

After spamming a senior with questions, I've decided that language modules are too risky; or at else until I know more about them. Many dishonest people out there spoiling market by going in with prior knowledge of the language; by doing that they deprive others who are genuinely seeking knowledge! Shame on them!(Only because I made the choice of not taking outside lessons a few months ago, so now I lugi zzz)

On a side note, I realise that nudges in MSN conversations are rude. Because I nudged accidentally during a conversation and upon realising it was rude, I had to apologise. I seldom I apologise, you see, not because my ego is big, but because I don't realise that I needed to most of the time.

Plain insensitive I'll say; that has been my Archilles Heel all along. No wonder my friends are so limited in number; and the few buddies I have must be magnanimious (used in place of generous to emphasize my point) to be able to tahan me.

That was a rare compliment from me to you guys. Treasure it.

scribbled @1:16 AM;


Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Review

LUCKY I OVERSLEPT. Reset password is actually just send one email over nia. Chey.

So I've watched both Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and Public Enemies.

I don't understand all the bad reviews from people about HP. It's not the best obviously, but I don't see how it's that bad. Maybe because I haven't read the book yet so my expectations aren't sky-high. The only complain I have is...


Blimey, her haughty Hermione-look is really making her one of the hottest rising-star these days. For me she's like way up there in second place beside my Hebe sia.

Public Enemies, on the other hand, absolutely waste of my time/money/effort. I almost fall asleep inside the theatre and the last time that happened was when I was (dragged into) watching this Korean show called 'Finding Mr. Perfect'!

What I'm trying to say is that it's really boring; or perhaps it's way beyond my comprehension, I don't know. It's most probably not my genre of movies seeing the rave reviews I've seen online and in papers. Good points to note though: Marion Cotillard proves herself worthy of her awards, and Johnny Depp is damn good as usual. The two stars who made the movie not as terrible as it might be.

Will be watching Sunshine Cleaning soon, and going off to Ubin for cycling! My muscles are still aching though. Hope I come back in one piece.

scribbled @3:44 AM;


Monday, July 27, 2009
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting RelianceUNsettled

Now that my NTU network account is (probably) suspended and I still have one form to hand in, the trip down(or rather, up) to NTU mountain is unavoidable.

Kind of stupid on my part to skip the fine prints and not realise that I was supposed to log in and change my password once receiving my account. Could've save the trouble by calling instead but since school is starting, I need to know my classes and whatever information I need to get through the portal.

And this is what I dislike most about technology. So much important information stored and acquired through the internet system and yet so vulnerable and easy to lose.

If you've watched I-Robot, you should remember that the protagonist of the story(Will Smith) distrusts technology and robots to the extent of keeping to hand-controlled radios and bike. I see myself as someone like him; I hate doing bank transactions at the ATM and all the more for internet banking. Convenient, yes; but I just feel unsettled because it feels so unsecured and so easy that we're all so reliant on it.

But given the circumstances, I have and will learn to adapt to this. I am, to a certain extent, already reliant on technology too.

This post is reasserting the fact that I'm so uncle, with the distrust of technology and such. I think I should get back to my Tiger Beer and peanuts.

scribbled @2:09 AM;


Sunday, July 26, 2009
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Random

Feeling slightly emo now, listening to James Morrison's 'Please Don't Stop the Rain'.

It's just the song, really, nothing special, because I won 40 dollars from mahjong and there's no reason for me to be genuinely emo.

Don't ever buy katsu don from 24-hour coffee-shops people. Remember. It might just save your life.

scribbled @5:12 AM;


Friday, July 24, 2009
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Speak up

I've always believed that the first thing to do in arguments or quarrels is to simply shut up. In the midst of getting all riled up we lose our sensibilities and reservations; in the end we end up saying things we aren't supposed to or planning to. It is sad for relationships that has lasted years to be broken up because of a few untimely outbursts.

Or at else that's what I conclude after hearing a few years of it in the household.

Let this be a reminder to myself: I still owe Mr Quek an explanation. I believe he doesn't hold it to heart, but that doesn't mean I'm acquitted of all charges(or he's stupid enough to forget that easily) and allowed to roam free henceforth. At least for me I would like to explain myself, I refuse to let this be a stain on our long friendship.

I used to believe that if you have a clear conscience, there is no need to explain. As long as you believe that you're right, there is no need to waste that time in trying to get someone else to understand where you're coming from.

Nowadays however, I feel that there are times where I must explain myself. Because while from the individual's point of view he knows he's done nothing wrong, from an outsider's the silence might mean quiet consent or admitting that fault.

Look at how quiet Jay Chou has been and see how many people are taking him for the guilty party in almost everything? Ok maybe that's not a good example but I hope you can see what I'm trying to say.

Then again, trying too hard to explain yourself might produce the opposite effect. Therefore its always best to practise discretion and in times of doubt, just shut up. Not exactly befitting coming from the CS undergraduate. But that's why I'm there in the first place! Learn to speak when silence is no longer possible.

A quiet conscience gives you strength. Believe in yourself.

scribbled @11:33 PM;


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Yey

Yeah my Blogger's back to normal and it's raining outside now. I love to hear the rain at night and the smell before the rain comes. Don't ask me why I'm not sure.

I’m currently in a very GP mood after watching GUNDAM SEED. What I mean by GP mood is like, thinking about the issues regarding cloning, possibility of gene manipulation and the impacts of such on morality and society. Interesting how we moan and groan when asked to think about these stuff in JC times, and now I ponder over the questions voluntarily. Look at what the education system has done to us.

Anyway I was just thinking that if I want to be a Coordinator(human with modified genes, hence gaining superiority in all aspects compared to regular human), how would I want myself to be. Well for once, I would like to model myself as him.

So yandao.

I thought of Won Bin initially but there's already someone I know who proclaims himself as Won Bin so too bad. I thought of 金俊 next because I’m back to watching Boys Over Flowers again. I honestly think that he’s the best looking one in BOF. And also because he gets to act as the love interest of her.

Not as cute as my Hebe but still not bad.

She's my eye-candy in the show. The only one, because I don't think the female lead is good-looking.

I must say that I've noticed that a lot of Korean Dramas have male and female leads who look like random people off the street; in other words, not very good-looking. With the exception of perhaps Summer Scent(孙艺珍 woo-hoo!) and Full House.

But then again I don't watch a lot of Korean drama so I may just happen to be seeing the lousy ones.

I shall not continue in case I lose control and starts swooning over pretty women again. Must uphold my image which everyone knows me as - a gentleman.

PS: I just realise this is such a sissy post oh my god.

scribbled @4:19 AM;


Thursday, July 23, 2009
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Meanie

I know I'm damn mean.

Some people are born to say bad things and make sarcastic remarks. That makes them mean and unloved.

But you know how good it feels? It's almost orgasmic to be mean. I really only have myself to blame if I die young and no one comes to my funeral

But thankfully, there's the posh crematorium at Cho Chu Kang to make my afterlife better.

scribbled @12:10 AM;


Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Morbid thought

On a side note, I thought "Ming Yi bent over backwards for Yeung" has a rather, erm, 'happy' connotation as a title regarding the Renci case. Especially since Ming Yi has been said to have really gone out of his way to help his friend. But I think its just me being dirty-minded.

I just read in the news that Asia's 'Six Star' columbarium will be opened by 2011!

15,000 urn lots to sleep in, a few VIP rooms to play in, eight prayer rooms for usage, spacious walkways to float around, a customer reception area for your family to find you easily and even a cafe to get your daily joss-fix! Not to mention that it's located in Choa Chu Kang-close to Jurong- can visit home anytime! Sounds amazing eh.

Hopefully I can die in time to get a slot there, man.

scribbled @1:32 AM;


Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting ?

I am confused.

My homepage to create new post has a screwed up HTML.

I think it's because of the eclipse tomorrow.

Oh my god the world is going to end woo-hoo!

scribbled @6:07 PM;


Sunday, July 19, 2009
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Top 5 Undesirable Situation on a Packed Train

Disclaimer: This post is strictly for entertainment purposes. I am a straight guy. Green light. Not purple. Not even a damn tinge of purple.

Have you ever met with a situation on a packed train that made you absolutely feeling like jumping off the train? I HAVE.

As the typical Singaporean citizen, the train is my main mode of transport. Like everyone else who takes the train, I have my moments when I'm trapped in a ultra-packed carriage and couldn't move at all.

Sometimes I end up in City Hall when I'm heading for Bugis because I got caught in the alighting crowd and had to resign to being pushed along. Or I accidentally touched the butt of the guy beside me when reaching for my phone and had to endure his keep-your-filthy-gay-hands-off-me look.

Back then, I had my Top 5 Irritating/Frustrating Things That Can Happen To You Like It Happened To Me, now here are my Top 5 Undesirable Situation on a Packed Train:

Number 5
Horny people

"Hey how's u and ur gf doing?"

"Woah. WE're getting it on man..."
"Woo-hoo! How was it man?"
"Dude, she's so like......"*

These guys are beyond kiss-and-tell. They're er, never mind.

Strictly speaking, this is bad enough to be Number 1, but I've only encountered this situation ONCE(thankfully) so I do not think it is common enough to bother me. That aside, the topic is only interesting when you actually know both persons is really private and not everyone wants to hear an Edison-Gillian episode re-enactment.

Unless of course there's a video to back up the claim...

Proposed Solution: If you have a guy friend around, talk about how you got it on with a guy you met last night. Now either they'll shut up to listen, or they'll just puke. Either way it works.


Number 4
Smelly people

I'm not being mean(actually I am but anyway...), but as someone who's been the victim and the propagator(think post-confinement from Tekong), I kinda know the impact of it. No matter how packed the train is, whenever there's a Smelly, a perimeter around him/her is automatically created as everyone scrambles for fresh air.

The most painful part is even when you're squeezing like hell to remain outside the Affected Area, you're still in a confined space. It's like putting a durian inside your fridge; the next day you cook your kang-kong, which was inside the same fridge, it ends up smelling like durian as well.

Proposed Solution: Step 1, put head to armpit(doesn't matter which one or whose). Step 2, inhale. You might get to live longer that way.


Number 3

You're stuck in the train on the way to watch The Dark Knight(because I love it) with that girl you secretly like, nervously adjusting that morbid bow-tie of yours and wondering if she'll like the bouquet carnations you bought; then the 2 guys beside you start talking about the pencil-disappearing trick, the why-so-serious scene, Gordon's fake death and how Rachel Dawes dies...

Someone with good English please find a suitable substitute for the hokkien phrase, 'sian diao', so I can accurately describe the feeling.

Proposed Solution: Stuff the carnations into the guys' face, and then proceed to strangle him with your bow-tie. Go get roses instead, and who the hell wears a bow-tie to a date nowadays?


Number 2
The Love-Birds

"Oh hon why you *smooch* never call me *smooch* last night? *smooch* I waited *smooch* so long for your call *smooch* and I was falling asleep *smooch* already *smooch smooch*!"

True, as two individuals they are really considerate to stand in such a way that they're only occupying one person's space.

But as a single, hot-blooded alpha male, sight of love-birds already makes the blood boil. You can only imagine the blood evaporating when the love-birds are right beside you with their hands all over each other and using kisses as punctuations.

(Reminds me of the Original couple I was told about in school.)

Proposed Solution: Do the exact same thing to the guy you're travelling with. Not only do you get rid of the mandarin ducks, you get the entire carriage to yourself. Just try not to get carried away...


Number 1

This number 1 isn't here for no reason. This situation, when encountered by anyone, ANYONE, would cause extreme discomfort and an immense need to jump off the train immediately. In fact, there isn't any other better solution than jumping off the train!

This situation is none other than...

Two guys, one(the more manly one) in a bow-tie and the other(the sissy one) holding a bouquet of carnations, whispering sweet nothings and canoodling each other's...

I don't have to go on don't I?

scribbled @10:56 PM;


Friday, July 17, 2009
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Random musings

Was listening to Mr. Jay Chou's songs on shuffle when a song which I've never noticed before played. It's 伊斯坦堡 from his 'Jay' album by the way.

I thought its a nice song, but as a K-Box junkie I immediately classify the song as too-high-for-me so was a little disappointed as well.

Jay is talented, man.

Talented people are bastards.

Unfortunately for me, bastards are not necessarily talented.

scribbled @4:35 PM;


Thursday, July 16, 2009
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Gossip Guys

I enjoy sitting quietly and listening to people around me talk; regardless of whether I know the people in question or not.

I'm born for the paparazzi business, man.

scribbled @8:01 AM;


Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Bored

I'm bored at home. Not the nothing-to-do kinda bored, but the nothing-constructive-to-do-please-murder-me kinda bored.

Fact is I've got an arsenal of time-passing stuff I can rely on, like the movies(How to lose friends and alienate people), drama serials(Boys over Flowers), mangas(Bleach) and books(Diary of Anne Frank) to spend my time with, but none of them are constructive!

So now, I'm thinking very hard about getting a job which I can work even after starting school. Given my low expectations for a job(I worked $5/hr for three months! Should be awarded a medal for that really), I'm hoping it wouldn't be difficult.

And please don't ask me to give tuition because I can't teach for nuts and I hate to compromise on children's future(or lives, for that matter) for the sake of money. I'm not even joking when I said that!

On a side note, while I'm busy feeling bored, I'm also fuming mad about this certain Mr Quek, whom I believe have fed his sense of responsibility to the dogs. I've stopped giving him daily messages(how old already still need so much prompting?!) and waiting silently to see when he's going to remember to sent me the stuff he's promised to send 2 days ago.

OK. Enough of the heavy stuff and let's get to the light and happy stuff! Today, I...

Er. I'll continue that when the light and happy stuff does happen.

scribbled @12:00 AM;


Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Takng photos

I've always been told that I have a high forehead.

In secondary school it's been romantically linked to Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

Later on, unfortunately, I was regarded as balding. Something which I was sure wasn't true, but now having second thoughts about.

But if there's one thing Orientation taught me, it's that when you're taking group photos, always, ALWAYS, stand in front.



Otherwise it'll just be my forehead that's visible.

scribbled @3:00 AM;


Sunday, July 12, 2009
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Dance

I can never understand how dance works.

It is absolutely amazing how some people doing seemingly stupid moves can still look damn cool.

Just look at this video, Super-Junior's Sorry Sorry. Personally I think the rubbing-palms action during the chorus just looks dumb; but when the whole BIG group of them did it it just looks cool.

Anyone else doing that would just look like a thief who got caught in the act.

Like this.

scribbled @3:25 AM;


Saturday, July 11, 2009
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Awesome

Mixed feelings. That pretty much sums up my honest feelings.

I enjoyed quacking like a duck while blind-folded, screaming nu nai in games, laughing hysterically with my partner who's supposed to be more afraid than I am at 'ghosts' trying to scare us, laughing and cheering at all the ingenious skits, dancing mass dance(and actually enjoying it for the first time thanks to enthusiastic partner too), and gossiping about people.

But with the drama created by the attention-crazy freak on the all-important Starry Starry Night, which was the grand finale of the camp, it almost threatened to erase all our previous efforts. Seeing my OG mates' bowed heads and embarrassed expressions must have been heart-breaking for our OGLs.

Whether or not this OG stays awesommmeee doesn't depend on what we did in Orientation, but what we are going to do after Orientation. At the end of the day, this is just a passing phase; the road ahead is long, and far too early to judge where it will turn.

scribbled @12:44 AM;


Thursday, July 09, 2009
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Have you ever...

Have you ever felt, when someone held your hand, that it'll be all right even if the world were to end right then?

I swear I felt that when the freaky, weird, attention-crazy guy held mine.

scribbled @12:04 PM;


Sunday, July 05, 2009
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting FIVE DAYS HIATUS BYE BYE

As of tomorrow, gu-ni-gong Tan would be left at home, and Hypocrite Wayne shall make his debut to the world!!!!!!

Provided he gets through the morning health checks, of course.

scribbled @11:50 PM;


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Rush

Orientation tomorrow, and I've yet to pack any of my stuff.

Due to a gross underestimation of the extent of edits, I've been spending the past 2 days working feverishly on the edits to the assessment book assignment. To think I've been slacking around, happily watching Gundam Wing on my computer.

And because of this sudden rush of work, I'm down with flu now. Which could lead to the possibility of me being rejected entry to Orientation, because a single infection would mean the complete hiatus of the Orientation and months of hard work by the OGLs. This is what they said on their blog anyway.

So it's quite a irony. Rushing to finish work in order to go for Orientation, yet ended up unable to attend it.

scribbled @4:07 AM;


Saturday, July 04, 2009
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Hair of the People

Hair. Defined as an aggregate of such filaments, as that covering the human head or forming the coat of most mammals. And at the same time, I feel that hair defines who we are as well.

Oooookay cheesy intro. I'll just do this the normal way.

I believe that hair defines how we look and therefore, how we are judged. If you don't believe me, just look at how people judge Cecilia Chung and Gillian Chung others when the the person in question has fancy hairstyle, or is either bald or balding.

People who look good have nice hairstyles. Even if you're hideous, a good hairstyle helps a bit, because people would be momentarily distracted by your hair; while some stop themselves before they realise they're making a mistake, others less careful might just blurt out a compliment.

On the other hand, people with bad hairstyles will look bad, even if they possess good looks. Just look at Brad Pitt when he's acting as old(actually, young but looking old) Benjamin Button! Quite different I would say, much less desirable than he was.

I'm talking about hair suddenly because for me, after living with hair for over 20 years, I am still pretty much helpless when it comes to hairstyling. It is forever beyond my comprehension about how other guys just seem to be able to get their hair in positions that look so good it is almost as if they did the positioning strand by strand.

I see some guys style that thick wad of hair so nicely and when I try it myself, I fail, not in styling hair, but in growing a thick-enough head of hair for me to style. Even so, at normal length/thickness, I am clueless on how to handle my hair so that it'll make me look good.

What a headache.

But thankfully, I shouldn't be worrying for long.

In a few years time, I don't think I would even have hair on my head to worry about, much less hairstyles.

scribbled @1:06 PM;


Thursday, July 02, 2009
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Sleep

This is kinda unhealthy.

I used to complain that I don't get enough sleep; nowadays, I sleep at least 12 hours. My body probably just wants to make up the sleep I've lost in the past.

The problem is, my sleeping time is 6AM and I'll wake up when the evening news are on. Which explains why I'll almost definitely be late for any appointments that falls within that time.

When schools starts I'll be in trouble.

On the bright side, days seem shorter and time isn't passing as slowly as it felt like before.

scribbled @11:59 PM;


Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Rant

A quick look through the photos posted of the latest 2/4 outing has made me realise something.

I look hideous with my braces, especially when I open my mouth. Oh the bouts of depression and low self-confidence is hitting me again.

And Orientation, which I had conveniently forgotten about, is next week.

Somebody murder me please.

scribbled @10:00 PM;


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting My WRETCH
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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Amy
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Chian Wen
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Danielle
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Delwynn
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Fiona
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Fitrina
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Gladys
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Grace
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Jacqueline
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting James
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Jesmine
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Jia Hui
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting K Luon
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Kai Shi
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting KenneTh
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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Lynn
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Leena
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Marcus
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting OptiMarcus
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Minna
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Mei Hong
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Pedro
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Pamela
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Rachel
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Sarah
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Shixiong
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Sin Kuan
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Sin Yee
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Snow
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Wilfred
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Xiu Ming
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Yan Yu
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Zhi Yao

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Nanyang Chronicle

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