my point of view
Monday, October 31, 2005
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Phobia

Everyone's got their own phobia. It could be a common one, a unique one, a serious one or just a minor one. I've got a few of my own, and pretty much common though. Here, i shall rank 5 of my top fears.

5th Place
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The very taste of it, as little as it is, makes me wanna throw up. Espiecially when you buy fish porridge where hawkers put ginger to remove the fishy smell, i would simply shun it and not eat AT ALL.

4th Place
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Who can reisist the charm of one of the prettiest woman alive?

3rd Place
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Whoa. Xiao Qiang lehz. I see them everyday and my fear for these hideous beings has not once lessened. Its quite a disturbing thought that they can fly.

2nd Place
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I HATE SHARON AU to the extent of fearing her. When she announced earlier this year she is finally going for her overseas study, I screamed for joy and happiness. Then i saw her appearing in Channel 5. Damnit. If the world is left with Sharon Au and a female cockroach, who do u think I'll rather be with?

Sharon Au la. i can't bear the thought of.....

And now. The first place, the very one thing which strikes fear within me and rattle my bones even at the mention of its name. The infamous u-noe-who....

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Argh, take that thing away from me..

scribbled @10:44 PM;


Sunday, October 30, 2005
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting 末日之恋

“2045年, 12月13号, 欢迎各位停众收听我,DJ 志尧的广播。光阴似箭,转眼间就到了末日前夕。你和心爱的人说了该说的吗?也不能说是交待好,因为这次,没人可以逃过死神了。说到死神,我看到了明天,死神大概也会很忙了吧,全世界毁灭,地府被挤到爆吧,哈哈。。。”

听着DJ的言语,心中有了些忐忑。若萱不来,自己想说的话不是没办法让她听见了! 可是,我可以体谅她的心情,不管怎么说,当初负她的是我呀。。。

“ 天灰灰 会不会 让我忘了你是谁
夜越黑 梦违背 难追难回味

许久没听见了。三十多年前的流行曲呀。想当年,周杰伦翻唱这首歌,还年轻的我马上爱上了这首歌。可是,在人类末日的前夕听这首歌,自己的感觉是截然不同的。以前听到这首歌时,地球还是美好的。所谓 ‘毁灭’ , ‘慧星撞地球’ 还是电影里的情节。但人算不如天算,三十年后的明天,12月14号,竟是天文学家所说的‘天狼慧星’撞地球的日子。













“都说是最后一天了,我才会找你。。把话说清楚。。” 听了她的言语虽有些痛,但依然打岔了。
“我和你,早没话说了” 她冷酷地说。


“分手快两年了,是吧?” 不等她反应,我接着说。 “分手后,我还是忘不了你。本以为会遇见比你好的人,但不管遇到再漂亮,再好的女生,我都会忍不住拿她们和你比,而结果都是她们比不上你的。。”


“那就跟本不用解释!” 她大声地切入,眼角出现了泪光。
“对不起。” 我说。


“下午三点三十分,我是你的DJ 志尧。世界末日前夕,和爱人相处的最后一天,过的开心吗?最后机会了,要把握哦。。”

这番话,似乎点醒我。 我鼓起了勇气说:“萱,我知道这个要求很荒谬,但这是最后一崩溃天了,我不想浪费!”

“忘掉从前的不愉快,我们俩从头来过,好吗?” 她眼里打转的泪珠,开始崩溃了。



“ 闭上眼睛忍住泪别哭泣




“ 黑夜降临别害怕我爱你



DJ 说得对。世界末不末日,已经不重要了。


Inspired by Z-Chen's 末日之恋. Started typing at 2, ended at 5, phew~ I'll just take this as practise for Monday's papers.

scribbled @4:56 AM;


Saturday, October 29, 2005
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Yawn.

Blur me.

Left handphone at grandma's house and thought i lost it.

Sianz. Tml hafta go back there take back.

scribbled @8:48 PM;


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Acceptance

I am not stupid. Neither am i blind or deaf.

I understand what u r doing now.

I will no longer bother u le.


scribbled @4:15 PM;


Thursday, October 27, 2005
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting 逃避

If there’s anything that will bring him back to reality and come face to face with his life, it’ll be the rain.

He never quite wanted to be drenched today, with his valued MP3 player and handphone with him, wearing the slippers which quite prevented him from running.

But he thought the handphone is getting stagnant nowadays so it wouldn’t hurt to put the handphone above the player to keep it dry. Besides, he’s near home already.

The rain came fast. Drenching him in less than ten seconds. Clearing his mind almost immediately.

What happened these past days, he thought. A lot, he replied to himself. He laughed at that notion, of asking and answering himself.


Indeed. Much happened. Not much is confirmed, but one is for sure; things took a twist so fast he’s not catching. Or rather, he doesn’t want to.

All these years, he’s faced sorrow, pain, sadness all in the face. He never quite knew of escaping; “escaping is the worst thing to face problems you know”, he thought. Yet, it is only know he has fully realized what he’s been doing these past weeks. He has been running. From what? His failure. His letting down of her expectations. His realisation that she no longer cares.

A roller-coaster ride was the first thing that came to his mind. A roller coaster ride of emotions, and now he’s falling. He’ll climb again, that’s for certain, but he’ll almost certainly fall again.

“No. I’ve learn escapism. I’ll just run from it. I’ll just avoid the rain. I’ll just keep on lying till the feelings faded.” He thought to himself, and laughed a little at the irony. Adults are supposed to be matured, yet people only learn escaping from problems in their grown years.

How fitting. He thought. To run once he meets a problem, isn’t that the reason he looks down on some people, those he’d considered weak for running from their problems. Right now, he could certainly understand their plight; it’s painful to face it. No one in this world wants to be hurt, everyone wants to be loved, be happy, be cared.

The walk ended and he is at his block. His train and thoughts broke and here he is now, back under the cover of pretense and escapism. He didn’t want to think anymore. He took the lift up home.

Now, I’ll walk into the house all wet and none in the house would give a damn about that, he thought.

He spoke true.

He sat down in front of the computer and typed. Not even bothering to dry himself.


He’ll continuing running till he meets the dead-end.

Anyway, I'm faring well now, am I? Who cares if I'm running away or not, al least now I’m getting the sleep I need and the extra time to rest instead of thinking about what to do, he thought.

The rain is still there. Weaker now.

An insignificant figure standing by the window. He’ll smile his insignificant smile (as fake as it may be) and continue to forget and be forgotten in school the next day.

Abandoned by the world, he thought. 习惯了

scribbled @9:53 PM;


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Yan dao~~

Nowadays, we have a lot of people saying looks aren't everything. Its not that i totally disagree; sure, a gorgeous guy who has a character like shit is worth nuts(the smallest kind). But looks are like doors to a room, where the room represents your character, and the door has to look good for people to be willing to turn the knob to go in.

I am pretty contented with my lot now because i really don't have a choice since this is what i am, but sometimes, looking at the gorgeous guys on TV just makes me feel like going for Extreme Makeover. Looking handsome has it priviledges, like capturing attention wherever you go or getting a lot of girls to fall for u for no reason.
So, here's a list of celebs whom i'll reference to if i EVER go for plastic surgery.

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I don't exactly have an idea when he acted in a movie looking damn cool; i noticed him only coz Jennifer Aniston's his ex-wife. But he's pretty good-looking though,

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Girls BEG to have him coz he simply looks so damn guai, like the type of guys who'll wait 20 years just to be with girl. In other words, very 痴心 liddat. But i think he looks pretty ordinary.

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It just gets gets better isn't it, Tom Cruise lehz. Mission Impossible he already so damn sat, then War of the Worlds is nice papa lehz. How else you think Nicole Kidman married him in the first place?

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WAH. If you were to make me rank them Keanu Reeves would be my top man. The Matrix made him phenomenon-ly cool. Otherwise, his charm alone can kill liaoz lor. Phew.

Of course, plastic surgery is simply just a thought, something which I'll never do.

Imagine what'll happen if the surgery goes wrong.

You might just end up looking like that.
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PS: This post doesn't mean i'm gay, ok. I'm going to do up a female one. And that's gonna be full of pics.

scribbled @7:14 PM;


Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Class Photo

We took a class photo in our class T-shirts.

All 25 were there.

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But i think we're supposed to have 26 cuz' they left a huge gap there.

scribbled @8:31 PM;


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Pek cek..

Looking for it is like searching for a needle in a haystack.

Heck care.

I'll just throw myself into the haystack and hope the needle sticks onto me.

Even if it'll hurt.

scribbled @7:12 PM;


Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Ahhhhhh~

I kinda feel asthmatic.

Jia lat. Something's wrong with me le la.

I've got flu somemore!

Could it be bird flu?! Holy cow, i feel a little hot now.. A fever? Oh my, could it be SARS?

I'm dying, I'M DYING~

scribbled @10:56 PM;


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Smile

Sometimes, 'precious advice' that really sound true doesn't exactly work well. For me at least.

Been really depressed the past weeks. I followed the age-old advice of not keeping my pains to myself and tried opening up.

"Putting on a brave front isn't useful, you know" I've heard people say. But when i didn't do that, i just got sadder and sadder. Each silent moment was followed by more depressing wild thoughts, each weighting myself lower and lower till its was suffocating me....

Somehow, i decided to try something new.

And surprisingly, the past 2 days were pretty enjoyable as i laughed and laughed.

Nevermind the part of having a happy front but empty inside; its better to be empty inside and outside.

So, i'll just laugh the final 3 days of our school week away.

And welcome my Chinese 'AO' with a smile.

scribbled @6:56 PM;


Monday, October 24, 2005
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Mushy Love Story~

It is a rainy day.

Days of not seeing her felt like eons had passed. Each passing minute was pain, each waiting hour seemed like an eternity.

My days without her near me was gruelling, torturous. There was never a day i had smiled when she left my side to a faraway place.

Yet today, after much pinning, she is finally coming back.

I waited there, impatiently, waiting for the familiar sight of my father's car, in it, carrying her back to me.

Out of the corner of the eye, i saw my father's car. My heart started to pump faster and i could feel my heart blushed. With every closing distance my heart pumped with more vitality.

The day of reckoning has arrived.

Once the car had stopped, i rushed over to the side of the car like a child seeing his Christmas present. With a swing of the door, the magnificent sight of her greeted me.

Sitting there smilingly.. So beautifully...

I took a step towards her and hugged her close...

That feeling.. Its been so long since i've hugged her..

I couldn't wait anymore. With her in my arms i ran all the way back upstairs to home.

Upon reaching home, i gently put her down on the table.. I stood back and admired her beauty... So... magnificent...

I plugged in the wires and turned on the screen. Yes. My monitor. She's finally fixed.

scribbled @7:34 PM;


Sunday, October 23, 2005
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting When is com ever going to be fixed?

When she no longer cares.
And you no longer have.
All that is left.
Is those pieces of broken heart left behind in a bath of cold blood.

scribbled @12:46 PM;


Friday, October 21, 2005
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Update!

Talking about how I feel like shit these past days is boring le.

So i shall not comment. Com Spoilt, so i basically lost all contacts with the outside world.

I think everyone forgot me liaoz la.

Will blog again when com's fixed.. Takkaire then..

I wanted to believe in the one i see, not the one i hear. But i'm not sure now..

scribbled @4:27 PM;


Sunday, October 16, 2005
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Tired.

Today is a rainy day.

Yup. Especially for me. Hahaz. Played basketball with weiliang and chee wee in the rain today; 2 hours soaked in water, damn shiok man. The problem would be whether i'll fall sick or not tommorrow..

After that we sat in the rain and had a really nice chat about things. Must admit i learnt some rumours which were pretty unpleasant.

Sometimes, being a human is difficult. So many time, we would find ourselves in position whereby what you see and feel is the direct opposite of what you hear. My point? Like when you get to know a person, you get to learn that he/she is a nice person blah blah, then you hear others talking about the bad things that person did. At this point, you realise you're between trusting your gut feeling and others' observations.It really hard to choose from here on. People say that onlookers can observe the situation best, but at the same time, onlookers also know little of what is going on. So, who to trust??

Food for thought huh.

Also, today, my sincerity was doubted. I was asked if my 'sudden liking' was due to pressure from peers and all that... I'm sick of being asked that question. I'm sick of being doubted, even from my close friends. My keeping mum about it before means i was insincere? My not telling it before is becoz its all a hoax from the start?

Actually, i can't change the way these people think, trying to do that would be more or less futile. Haiz. What's most hurting to have your close friends doubting you...

If you think i'm lying, insincere. So be it. I'm tired le.

scribbled @9:48 PM;


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting 在世界中心呼喚愛

Watched this Japanese movie called "在世界中心呼喚愛(Crying out love, in the centre of the world)". So damn touching, if u were to see the show.

Sounds pretty corny, the tile, but its better when translated to Chinese. Anyway, this story about two teenagers, Aki and Saku in their first relationship. Aki had leukemia which she didn't quite tell Saku about, and only did when she fainted on one of their dates. Things worsen from then on.

What's captivating about the story is how both used cassette tapes to converse, in which Aki even recorded her last words and dying wish into a casette tape. But the cassette tape never quite got to Saku, because the little girl whom always delivered Aki's cassettes met with an accident.

The twist of the story:

The little girl became Saku's girlfriend when they were adults, and she only remembered that casette tape when she found it in her store. Ridden by guilt, she left Saku.

On his search for Aki, Saku went back to his hometown where he faced his past once more, where he realised he's been running away all these years. He learnt of the truth, and came to know of Aki's dying wish; to travel to the centre of the world, Australia and let her ashes spread over there.....

scribbled @3:47 AM;


Saturday, October 15, 2005
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


scribbled @6:26 PM;


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting 不可以

Are you surprised? Mum? After scolding me for a full fifteen minutes for something wrong which i didn't commit, I did nothing but to stand up and go into my room without explaining myself like i always do?

Are you worried? Mum? After seeing your son return home from school in a rather wet fashion, even though our house's location guarantees shelter from rain?

Were you worried? Mum? After seeing your son stay up till the wee hours of about 4am staring at the wall?

I suppose.. The answer is no to all these ba. Because you came into the room and scolded me further. Because you didn't even look in my direction, but carried on your reading. Because you simply told me to off the lights cuz its too glaring and you can't slp.

Do you noe how hurting these actions are? When facing all the problems outside, I tot i can come home to a warm and welcoming house. Yet all there was is emptiness and loneliness.

What happened to the warm and jovial family two years ago? Since when did earning money took over the position of teaching your child in your heart? Since when did the son have to start taking up the task of teaching the sister entirely? Since when did the son has to bear the responsibility for the sister's laziness?

I am really tired le. Ni zhi dao ma? Ni zhi dao wo cheng shou le duo shao ma? Ni you wei wo fen dan zhe xie fu dan ma? Mei you.


I was given the task of teaching my sister for her studies. Each time i ask my sister to work, she reluctantly does it, and by exams, of course her results are like shit. I did my part in reminding my sister, but with my own pile of work, its impossible for me to sit by her and guide her evey single time.

Today, i was scolded cuz mum checked the assessments books and found many undone or anyhow done. Immediately, she started scolding me, instead of my sister. Nothing can be more infuriating than being blamed for mistakes you didn't commit. But i just sat there, even not explaining. Becoz explanations are futile.

I am... really tired le. All these while, she placed all types of burdens onto me. She kept saying that since i'm a guy, taking all these burdens should be easy. As the male of the family, I should do whatever i can to help out the family in family matters. I must be the pillar of the family.

But. Where is my pillar? Sec 3, when i totally fall into depression , when i kept indoors and lost sleep for nights, where was my support? Out there at Malacca enjoying themselves. Sec 4, as i face the O levels and totally stressed, where is my pillar telling me "its ok, jia you ba"? Jc 1, as i face the dilemma of having to drop one subject, i didn't even bother to tell them; telling them would be like talking to the wall.

Its not fair. Its not fair when i acted as sis's tutor and all i get is having her vent her frustrations on me. Its not fair when i had to be mediator between mum and dad during arguement but no one helps when i have my own arguements. Its not fair, that my sister gets to vent her frustrations on me whenever she likes, but for me, all i can do is... swallow it.

I told koksin, that if i can choose, i rather one person go down than pulling someone else down with me.

All the problems. All the stress. All the pain. it will only belong to me, and me alone. No one can help me, i will not let anyone help; its been like that since last time. I am left to fend for myself. Even if i eventually crack under the pressure, i will not let anyone c it, feel it.

Faced with the pain of losing a good friend to Death, i tided over. Faced with the pain of having to leave my beloved class, i accepted. Faced with the pain of rejection, i took it. But. This pain of losing a the feeling of family, how you expect me to take it?

我累了... 可不可以放弃?

scribbled @12:34 AM;


Friday, October 14, 2005
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting 阴天

Walking down the stairs from class after watching Gundam with them, a thought struck me.

It struck me so hard.

So hard, that the cold raindrops from the drizzle falling on my body while walking home didn't matter.

So hard, that i chose to take the path that would drench me instead of the sheltered way.

So hard that the 2 hours of slp yesterdae seemed anough for me.

Get those thoughts outta ur head and stand up weiyuan!

scribbled @4:20 PM;


Thursday, October 13, 2005
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Thx


Liting and chian wen eat a lot of sweets hor.

So sweet of them~=X

Anyway, thanks for that..

Basket la. Liddat i more she bu de this class le la...

scribbled @5:44 PM;


Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Untitled

Untitled never sounded so meaningful to me until today..

"And I can't stand the pain (its killing me)
And I can't make it go away (help)
No I can't stand the pain (oh god..)

How could this happen to me (its my own fault)
I made my mistakes (i never learn)
I've got nowhere to run (no one to find)
The night goes on (its so dark)
As I'm fading away (and no one cares)
I'm sick of this life (just let me die)
I just wanna scream (no one hears)
How could this happen to me (i deserved it)

Everybody's screaming (for joy)
I try to make a sound but no one hears (me screaming in pain)
I'm slipping off the edge (and never going to come back)
I'm hanging by a thread (its breaking)
I wanna start this over again (i wish)

So I try to hold onto a time when nothing mattered (where i was carefree and had fun)
And I can't explain what happened (its just plain laziness)
And I can't erase the things that I've done
No I can't.."

scribbled @10:04 PM;


Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Why did the chicken cross the road 2

I was waiting to cross the road to go home when i realise that another chicken was standing nex to me. The chicken looks different from Chicky whom i met the other time, but i assumed that it wouldn't mind talking to me. Maybe Chicky is its relative wor.

Me: Hey yo..

Ka Li Ji: Erm... ya.. hi..

Me: Chill man.. I'm not gonna eat you up or anything.

Ka Li Ji: WHaaaaaa....... A...T??*trembles*

Me: Just joking man, or chicken, relac, relac..

Ka Li Ji: Oooo.. kkk..

Me: Hey, you know Chicky, by any chance? Hahaz, Chicky's my friend..

Ka Li Ji: Ermm, ye...aah.. i went to his funeral some time back.. Colonel got him.

Me: What? Oh my.. So sorry.. What's your name?

Ka Li Ji: Yaa... I'mm.. Ka Li Ji.

Me: Icic.. So, where're you rushing off to? you look like you're in a hurry.

Ka Li Ji: Go..innng off.. som..mewhere

Me: huh? you're avoiding someone? Who's that?

Ka Li Ji: Some in Thinkkk.. theee nam...mme is Youfu.

Me: Youfu? the one who cooks damn good curry chicken de?

Ka Li Ji ran off as soon it heard me said that.

I miss Youfu la.

At least Youfu does not scream "Mei ren yu, mei ren yu, mei ren yu" all day long like the other retard.

Felicia Chin must be damn sick of that la.

scribbled @7:21 PM;


Monday, October 10, 2005
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting F.E.A.R

Never in my life have I felt that scared before.

I fear that my lousy Promos results would cause me to be forced to drop one subject, and hence, has to change class.

Its not the dropping that bothers me; its that threat of leaving this class.

Mere words would not explain my feelings I have for this class. Its like, I feel close to every single person in this class, unlike during secondary school where there would be some people distant from you.

I wish hard. Really really hard. Never this hard before, that I can have this wonderful privilege to stay in 05S28.

scribbled @8:04 PM;


Sunday, October 09, 2005
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting The Myth

Just went out to watch TongSheng Hua, The Myth with SM Quek and Man.

Hmmm. Jackie Chan show. Of course the fighting sequences are good la. Otherwise, i think the story plot is pretty ok la. Not remarkable, but not bad as well la. What i'm more curious is exactly how that Ok Soo and the General Nangong waited THAT long? From Qin Dynasty onwards la, so damn long. How they past time?

Most importantly.

How they bath hur?

scribbled @10:11 PM;


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Trendy Love

“Love is like, a trend. Trends are meant to blindly followed, where it affects everyone in the society whether they want it or not. Like a pop song, even if you didn’t learn it, the constant playing of the song on the streets, media, with time, you would still know the rhythm anyway. After that season goes, this trend becomes forgotten, abandoned… For those who doesn’t keep up with the trend would viewed as alien, like an outcast of the society..

This is like in a school, someone starts falling in love, they affect their friends by igniting the hidden passion within their hearts for someone to love… In turn, they affect their friends, and their friends affect their friends’ friends… After falling in love, as the feelings for each other fade, they move on to other relationships…Those single, unaffected ones would be branded as numb and without feelings, even doubting their sexuality…”

Pretty interesting concept I saw on this Chinese love story I read recently. The book is full of these philosophies, and I really admire the authors to come up with all these analogies.

But I have a different view on this though. In history, Elvis, Bee Gees, Michael Jackson were popular. They were the trend-setters, or even trend itself. But were they forgotten? No. I believe that if the trend itself is with style, character and its uniqueness, just like loving with style, character and uniqueness, the relationship that blossom will be remembered and cherished; it becomes a classic.

Hahaz. Crap.

scribbled @4:27 PM;


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting He/She/Him/Her/I

He’s the father who was once a yandao playboy.
She’s the mother who was once a beauty queen.

He’s the father who loves durians.
She’s the mother who loves yam.

He’s the father who cracks un-funny jokes.
She’s the mother who rolls her eyes at those.

He’s the father who’ll throw things off the chair if its there obstructing him.
She’s the mother who picks them up.

He’s the father who scolded his wife lazy for not working.
She’s the mother who started to work to spite her husband.

She’s the mother who never fails to cook a meal for the family last time.
He’s the son who never gets sick at those.

She’s the mother who has started to not cook for the family.
He’s the son who can do nothing about it.

She’s the mother who cares a lot for her son’s work.
He’s the son who snubbed that care.

She’s the mother who cracks jokes to communicate with her son.
He’s the son who entertains her with a mere smile.

She’s the sister who fears her brother.
He’s the brother whom his sister fears.

She’s the sister who hates her brother.
He’s the brother who is hated by his sister.

She’s the sister who’s unreasonable and hot-tempered.
He’s the brother who puts up with it long enough.

She’s the sister who made cards for everyone in the house except her brother.
He’s the brother who made none for anyone.

They’re the couple who argued over who pays the bills.
He’s the son who has to settle that.

They’re the couple who argued over who’s at fault for their daughter’s poor results.
He’s the son who eventually gets blame.

They’re the family which was once harmonious and happy.
They’re now the family which can hardly be called one.

He’s the son of the family which was nothing like what he wanted.
He’s the one who didn’t have a choice.

scribbled @12:46 PM;


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Class blog.


05s28 class blog is out!!

Actually i never contribute much de. Cuz the blogskin is from Blogger itself.. Hee

But heck, we'll find another nice one along the way bah.

Back to reality. I have only about 17 free hours of internet usage for the rest of the month.

Great. I just love dial-ups.

scribbled @1:08 AM;


Saturday, October 08, 2005
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Difficult seh..

The class blog proved more difficult to set up than i thought.

First there's this stupid monitor which is not exactly reliable about the colours.

Then, there's this voice telling me that "They are not going to like this skin." as i browse throught the various blogskins.

Grrrrr. Shouldn't have agreed to setting it up..

Worse come to worse, i'll just use the default skin and ask the others to change should they come across a nice blogskin.

scribbled @4:00 AM;


Thursday, October 06, 2005
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Things to do..

Finally, the Promos are over.

Actually. It feels the same to me. Cuz i'm equally slack before and after the exams. Hurhur..

Anyway. Been using "After Promos" a lot these past few days; since its already 'after Promos', its time to get done all these things. Here's a little list to remind myself:
  1. Get class blog up, hopefully it'll get well-response *cross fingers*
  2. Read a book! Hadn't read a book in a year!
  3. Catch up on astronomy stuff. Think i missed out alot.
  4. Learn to write alphabets properly with left hand. I'm right handed.
  5. Get fit!! I'm getting fat le la.
  6. Get my diploma in DOTA.
  7. Do nice-guy-helps-society blah blah stuffs.
  8. Study Chinese for A lvl.
  9. Spend less money.
  10. Learn to sleep 8 hours each day.
  11. Catch up with some old friends(Rubbish!)
  12. Learn the guitar? I'll make that optional.
  13. Blog nice posts to entertain u all.
  14. Study and revise my work regularly
  15. Stop telling lies.
  16. Get new headphones.
  17. Learn bowling, just got interested in it.
  18. Most importantly.. SLACK.

Wah. So many things ar. Xiao liao.

Nvm. Writing it doesn't necessary means i need to complete it, hur hur..

PS: Point 15 is response to point 14, dun get me wrong.

scribbled @9:31 PM;


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I think...

I am going to fail tomorrow's physics paper.

scribbled @12:23 AM;


Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting LOL



公主:破喉咙~ 破喉咙~

没有人:公主~! 我来救你了~!!

魔王: 哇,说曹操,曹操就到。。。

哇: 曹操~


魔王:哇塞~ 看到鬼~!!

鬼:靠~!! 被发现了!!


胡说: 我那知道你被谁发现?


魔王:Oh my god





scribbled @4:10 PM;


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting YESSS!

Last paper last paper last paper last paper last paper last paper last paper last paper last paper LAST PAPER!!!!!!!!!!!


After tml, its gonna be party time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For the time being, I shall go get ready for tml's phy paper and play Dota study.

scribbled @2:06 PM;


Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Quote

The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise.

scribbled @9:25 PM;


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Untitled

I beared for the pain as i revised.

Gruelling, man...

But the pain fade away after that. Thank goodness.

Wish me luck ba.

scribbled @6:57 PM;


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Tired

My right shoulder feels as if it was going to detach itself anytime.

My left eye feels as if its going blind anytime.

And i still have to combat the stress from the poorly-done chemistry paper.

It is at this point of time when sliting my wrist seems like a better option.

You have no foes; the enemy is yourself.
You have no one to help; you are on your own.

scribbled @3:46 PM;


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Must... hold.. on...


So hungry..

Lost sleep because of it liaoz.

I am going to be so dead for the paper later on.

scribbled @2:37 AM;


Monday, October 03, 2005
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Entertainment Biz

Was watching the Super Funkies show just now.

Not bad not bad. Sugianto was damn farni, junyang did better than i thought, Jason was sounded like a sissy. I thought Kelly and Weilian's duet was pretty nice. Both improved a lot, especially Weilian.

Then there was 5566.

I hate them la. But to give them some credit, the song "白色花漾" wasn't that bad. Their other song, 世界最美的风景, also not bad de.

But then.


scribbled @9:35 PM;


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting And it begins.....

MH paper today.

Warm up nia.

The real fun starts tomorrow.

scribbled @1:27 PM;


Sunday, October 02, 2005
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Fair world?

If the world is fair, why are there still so many people dying for no apparent reason?

Don't say these people sinned too much or that crap.

Whatever they've done, i'm sure not all are like that. They don't deserve to be bombed again and again; its unfair to them.

It is at this time where I'll feel really helpless. No matter how hard i work, i won't be able to change all these bombings.

I sound so cliche. Hurhur...

How i wish shooting stars can really make your dreams come true.

scribbled @4:09 PM;


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Good luck.

scribbled @12:24 PM;


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Greed

Perhaps one of the greatest myth about seeing shooting stars is that making a wish after seeing one makes the wish comes true. This little story would be convincing to a 10 year-old child who desperately wants the latest Power Ranger toy. He knows not of the theory of "to reap, you must sow"; he gets whatever he has by asking for it, not working for it. Is this a bad thing?

Not necessarily.

Considering the amount of worries we get as we learn that theory, i rather be a spoon-fed brat whose target of his life is a $20 plus toy than being a slogging worker aiming to get his first million dollar. Its really a vicious cycle. We learn the theory that, to get results we need to work.

First, its that beautiful handphone that is the latest trend. Your parents tell you: "To get that, you'll have to show me 4 A's by the next exam." So you slog like an ox. Forgo-ing all the fun you're supposed to have as a teen, and finally, you get that 4 A's and get your handphone.

That satisfation. The adrenaline rush when you first touch that handphone. The exhilaration. Then you realise, "I can feel it again, can't i?". And the next time, you're aiming for a new computer. You'll need 5 A's to convince your parents.... And the process repeats.

By this time, you're fully instilled with the belief that with hard work, you'll certainly get what you wanted. Wishing on a shooting star is stupid; I'll need to work to fufill that, not wish and then sit back.

But is this true in life?


We don't always get whatever you want simply by working for it, right? Example, you fall in love with this girl, then you give your everything, using up all your time, but would all these confirm that she'll be yours? NO! She might just prefer guys who play hard to get, and you throwing yourself at her is plain stupid.*

My point? Saying that "You'll get what you want if you work hard enough" is silly and untrue, but about the entire human population believes in this(even me), and will be in the future. This is like the Golden rule of nature and not much can be done to

Then again. "What if wishing against shooting stars would work, and the entire human population believes in that, what'll happen?" you might ask. If we were an alien race watching from another planet, we'll be totally envious. But if this really happens, there wouldn't be much difference isn't it? We got what we wished for, then we want more, more, more, more, more............

It all boils down to one word.


Just some random thoughts. Incoherent and unfocused, i realised. But heck, its blogging, not GP essay. So, just take it as something to chew on, not brainstorm about. Hee.

*No, that didn't happen to me, dun think too much.

scribbled @1:10 AM;


Saturday, October 01, 2005
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Quote

Form is temporary; class is forever.

scribbled @5:16 PM;


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting My WRETCH
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